All posts by Arleen Flury


Hi Everyone

At our last book club meeting we decided to take July and August off and get together again in September.

The book chosen for September review is  “The Search”  by Nora Roberts.

(A silent nine-year-old Czech boy, a survivor of Auschwitz, flees a refugee center in postwar Germany and is found by an American G.I. At the same time, the boy’s mother, the sole surviving member of his family, searches refugee centers for her son.)

Our next scheduled meeting is Friday, September 8th at 7:30 PM in the Guild Room.

We are always happy to have you join us.

Happy Reading!

Arleen Flury


The day is almost here! – Our Annual  Christmas Bazaar is taking place on Saturday, December 10th from 10:00AM – 4:00PM. It’s always great fun for everyone.

We’re looking forward to tasting your delicious cookies, brownies, cupcakes, cakes, pies, breads, candies. All are greatly appreciated for our bake table, which is always a big hit.  You can bring them on Friday Dec. 9th or Saturday morning.

Thank you for all your donations of new or gently used Christmas-themed items for the Boutique table.  You can still drop things off Friday or even on Saturday morning. These can be gift items, Christmas decorations, knick-knacks, jewelry, etc.

Elves will be working on Friday during the day setting up, so if you are able to drop by to help display and price items, we would love the help.  (Noon until 4 pm , then after 7pm)

Volunteers are needed to help with selling at the tables on Saturday during the bazaar.  Any time you can give is appreciated and will give others a break and a chance to enjoy the day as well.

Please feel free to bring any of your craft or home made items to add to the craft/gift table.  Or if you would like to put together a small themed gift basket to sell, that would be great as well.

Save the Date –  Come shop — Have Fun –  Be sure to tell all your family and friends.

Thank you all for your help and support – .Hope to see you there!

Arleen Flury – Bazaar Chairperson


The Christmas Bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 10th from 10:00AM – 4:00PM. It’s always great fun for everyone.  Here are the ways you can help to make it a success:

The Bazaar would not be the same without your delicious cookies, brownies, cupcakes, cakes, pies, breads, candies. All are greatly appreciated for our bake table, which is always a big hit.  You can bring them on Friday Dec. 9th or Saturday morning.

Donations of new or gently used Christmas-themed items are needed for the Boutique table. These can be gift items, Christmas decorations, knick-knacks, jewelry, etc. You can bring them to church on Sunday or drop them off on Friday, Dec. 9th.

We will be there Friday during the day setting up, so if you are able to drop by to help display and price items, we would love the help.

Also volunteers will be needed to help selling at the tables on Saturday during the bazaar.

Please feel free to bring any of your craft or home made items to add to the craft/gift table.  Or if you would like to put together a small themed gift basket to sell, that would be great as well.

Save the Date –  Be sure to tell all your family and friends.

Thank you all for your help and support – .Hope to see you there!

Arleen Flury – Bazaar Chairperson