What to Expect

The Eucharist is the primary worship service of the church on Sundays and Holy Days. It is also called “Mass” or “Holy Communion”. The service always includes a sermon. A said Eucharist lasts about 35-40 minutes. A Sung Eucharist lasts about one hour and includes well-known hymns and lots of congregational singing! Rite I services are celebrated using tradition Anglican English (“thee” and “thy”). Rite II services are celebrated using contemporary/modern day English language.

Morning Prayer: This is the daily morning service of the Church. The service includes the recitation of psalms, readings from the Bible and prayers to begin the day. Morning Prayer is also called “Matins”. Morning Prayer lasts about 15-20 minutes.

Evensong & Evening Prayer: This is the daily evening service of the Church. The service includes the recitation of psalms, readings from the Bible and prayers to conclude the day. Evening Prayer lasts about 15-20 minutes. Sung Evening Prayer is called Evensong. At Good Shepherd Evensong is sung by the congregation, chanting psalms and canticles, and singing evening hymns. Attendance at Evensong generally ranges from 2-25 people.

Child Care & Sunday School:
Child Care is offered during every Sung Eucharist (whether it is on a Sunday or on a weekday Holy Day). Sunday School is offered Sundays between September and June at 10:00 AM. Sunday School meets during the Liturgy of the Word (readings, sermon, etc.) and the children join the rest of the Congregation for the Holy Communion.