Child Care

Professional Child Care is offered at Good Shepherd every single Sunday of the year and on major holy days and other events throughout the year. Our Nursery & Playroom is located in a room off of the Parish Hall. The Nursery has toys and educational play things, and it is professionally staffed by Ms. Sharen McKenna.

The Nursery & Playroom is staffed and open:

  • Every Sunday from 9:45 AM until the conclusion of the Sung Holy Eucharist (usually at 11:00 AM)
  • On Christmas Eve (during the 5:00 PM Family service)
  • On Candlemas (February 1 or 2) throughout the 6:00 PM Sung Holy Eucharist and during the Chili Competition & Festival after the service.
  • On Annunciation (March 24 or 25) throughout the 6:00 PM Sung Holy Eucharist and during the Stews & Chowder Festival after the service.
  • On Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil (The date of Holy Week services varies every year) throughout the 6:30 PM pre-Triduum Fellowship Gatherings (Agape, Soup Dinner, Pizza Fest, respectively) and during the Triduum services each of which begins at 7:30 PM and ends between 8:30 PM and 9:00 PM.
  • On Michaelmas (September 28 or 29) throughout the 6:00 PM Sung Holy Eucharist and during the Oktoberfest after the service.
  • On All Saints’ Day (November 1) throughout the 6:00 PM Sung Holy Eucharist and during the Slow-Cooked Potluck Dinner after the service.
  • On other events as announced.